Ticket Approvals

Nominated staff will be appointed to review ticket requests and decide if these requests are approved, rejected or wait listed.

  • Nomination of up to 5 administrators to approve tickets
  • An additional Approvals tile will show for Approvers
  • An alert flag on the Approvals tile on the Welcome page to show when tickets requests need to be managed
  • To view a summary of all ticket requests
  • These requests can be sorted and searched
  • All requests can be reviewed, approved or rejected
  • The number of tickets approved can be adjusted from the number requested
  • When reviewing a request the Approver will see the total number of all tickets that have been approved for this requester, throughout a period. The framing colour of this number will change once the total number of approvals reaches an agreed level.  This indicated to the approver if the requester is a ‘High User’
  • An Approver can allocate a priority status to each requester. Once this status is changed it will be maintained for future requests.  A higher priority status puts their name at the top of a request list, assisting the Approver to allocate tickets to more senior people.
  • An Approver can make comments to the requester once they have decided to approve, reject or wait-list the request. These comments are included in the approval, rejection or wait list emails


Online reports 

Approvers will have access to a limited number of reports so they can see summary details on requests and approvals for all events.

  • Reports can be previewed on screen
  • Additional micro-filters are available to adjust selection
  • Search facility
  • Reports can be exported to Excel whilst maintaining the presentation of the report